Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Blue Start by Saje Miguel R. Molato

“Am I really here?” is a question many have probably asked themselves upon entering the gates of the Ateneo. The air is the same, yet it's not. The sky is the very sky you see everyday, yet it seems as though in Ateneo, it's somehow... Bluer.

You are greeted by the refreshing sight of the verdant landscape, a mix of both modernism and the natural beauty of the land itself. As you walk along the Red Brick Road, the same road countless more have tread upon through the years, you realize that you are indeed following in the footsteps of legends. The campus itself is littered with greenery, from the Acacia trees that linger all over the campus roadsides, to the Fire tree you watch outside the window everytime your mind starts wandering off, the campus has no shortage when it comes to greens.

As freshmen, it's our responsibility to know which building is which, you wouldn't want to embarrass yourself asking where Sec C is, would you?

First things first, the main buildings for the 4 major schools in campus, mainly JGSOM ( John Gokongwei School of Management), SOH (School of Humanities), SOSS (School of Social Sciences), and SOSE (School of Science and Engineering):

The John Gokongwei School of Management or JGSOM in short, is the undergraduate business school of the Ateneo. It was established in 2000 as simply School of Management, later renamed after John Gokongwei donated an estimated amount of 200 million pesos. The building is located in between the SEC (Science Education Complex) and the PLDT Convergent Technologies Center.

The School of Science and Engineering's main building is the Science Education Complex located in what is called the SEC walk, which is a place where students can hang out with friends or simply enjoy the scenery around. Located here is the AMP bench (Ateneo Musicians Pool) where the members chill with their fellow members, rest assured there will never be a dull moment with AMP around. Aside from the AMP bench, orgs also camp out here for their “tambay week” where members get to have fun, go crazy, play games, and meet just about everyone else in their orgs.

 The SEC is divided into 3 buildings, mainly SEC A,B,and C. Each building holding it's own respective classes ranging from Science experiments to Math lectures. Aside from the SEC, SOSE has facilities scattered all over the campus:


Schmitt Hall was constructed on November 28,1965 but was simply referred to as the Chemistry Building, then later renamed Schmitt Hall in memory of the late Rev. William J. Schmitt. It houses the Department of Chemistry and the Ateneo Chemical Society. It is located near Gonzaga Hall.

The Manila Observatory was established in 1865 by the Jesuit Mission in the Philippines, it is a non-stock, non-profit institution dedicated to research and observation. The observatory was key to determining weather patterns as well as seismic activity before WW2 where all its facilities and valuable equipment were destroyed during the Battle of Manila Bay.

Faura Hall was constructed back in 1985 from the generosity of the people of the United States through the Office of American Schools and Hospitals Abroad under the sponsorship of the Jesuit Seminary and Mission Bureau. It was named after Fr. Federico Faura, SJ, the director of the Manila Observatory who predicted the first typhoon tracks back in 1879. Faura houses the Advanced Physics Laboratory, Material Physics Laboratory, Photonics Laboratory, and the Vacuum Coating Laboratory.

Beside Faura is a small structure which acts as the Machine Shop of the Department of Physics, which fabricates many of the instruments needed based on specifications.

The School of Social Sciences' main building is the Ricardo and Rosita Leong Hall, or Leong Hall in short. It was constructed within a record of 10 months, a testament on how inspiration can present outstanding results. Leong Hall is the very first structure you will see when you enter via Gate 3, the Hall serves as a venue for talks, lectures, master classes, and pretty much any other event requiring a general audience.

Horacio de la Costa Hall is where the SOH (School of Humanities) is housed. Named in honor of the First Filipino Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus, Horacio de la Costa.

Aside from places for learning, the Ateneo also has venues wherein students can study. Primarily the new Rizal Library that has 5 floors of pure air conditioned salvation from the climate outside. If the solitude and silence of the typical library environment is not your thing, then check out the 5th floor of Rizal, where you can scream your lungs out without the fear of being reprimanded (not really, but you get the picture). The 5th floor is mainly for group studies among students.

Matteo Ricci Study Hall is another safe haven for those seeking refuge from the searing climate , and is just like the Rizal Library 5th floor except on a larger scale. Matteo is known as that place where students study in unison in order to survive their college life here in the Ateneo.

For those seeking sustinence and nutrition, a simple break from schoolwork, or just for the sake of being a foodie, Ateneo is well equipped to satisfy your pallet. As long as you've got cash, of course.


Gonzaga Hall is open all day long to cater to the hunger of the general masses of students, it is where the general bulk of the population would usually go due to the fact that it is both spacious and has a wide range of foos stalls, it even has it's own 7/11! (stall).


Manang's deserves a special mention here, though it's just one food institution, it's reputation for serving home cooked meals to the student populace is quite regarded by many. It is located right beside the covered courts.

JSEC is where students who dream of starting their own businesses could get a headstart in the industry. An innovation to the daily lives of not just business students, but pretty much everyone else on campus, this place offers food to those with a more “constricted” pallet.

Education in Ateneo does not only pertain to reading books and studying concepts, Ateneo also values the physical wellbeing of it's students. That is why we have the Covered Courts where almost all the PE classes are held, while the Blue Eagle Gym is almost exclusive to mainly the members of the varsities found in campus. We also have the track field situated near the Blue Eagle Gym, as well as a Soccer field.

Seeking a place to simply sit down and relax? Try the Zen Garden surrounded by Gonzaga, Berchmans, Kostka, and Schmitt. The Zen Garden offers a place where students can sit back and just chat with their friends, be it about school, lessons, Life, or just about anything under the sun.

Ateneo also provides lodging to students who do not live within the close vicinity of Katipunan, in the form of the Cervini and Eliazo Dormitories. Cervini is exclusive to guys while Eliazo is an all girls dorm. Near these 2 is Zekaf, considered as the campus “coffee shop/dorm cafe” where dormers and non-dormers can enjoy a meal without much of a hassle as one would experience during the rush hours at Gonzaga and JSEC.

For extra-curricular  activities, Ateneo has the MVP (Manny V Pangilinan) Center for Student Leadership. This is where all the accredited orgs have their own org rooms, where members get to socialize with other members and discuss matters about their organizations.


Last but not least, we have the Church of Gesu. With a total area of 10,200 sqaure meters, it can seat approximately 1000 people in one sitting. Mass is usually held every Sunday at 6 pm until 7pm.

This may seem like a lot to memorize, but eventually, we'll get the hang of it. College may seem different from the comforts of High School, mainly all the extra walking, walking, and of course, more walking. But hey, it's all part of the learning process. Just remember the saying “Even the finest steel, must surpass the test of fire, in order to become a blade of the most refined edge..” College has just started, so let's sit back, relax, and enjoy the blue sky.. :)


"CLOTHING STYLE: Over Your College Years in the Ateneo" by Alyanna Kara B. Batallones

“Dress to impress.” Surely, this has been your perception of college before you entered this used-to-be strange world. Panic-buying and changing of wardrobe are two of the things you had to accomplish during your last weeks of summer. Isn’t this right? Now that you’re a freshman, this is your mantra. In the morning, you’d have to wake up earlier to plan your outfit of the day (or as they call it, “OOTD”). Good enough for some, they think about it beforehand. You can’t deny it, clothes is always part of the main picture of college.

            However, will this “dress to impress” stay as it is? Or will it change? In the beginning, you dress all out. But in the end, you get tired of all this “showy nonsense” and find a style that is truly you.

1st Part of Freshman Year
            This is the “fashion show” stage. Strolling around the college campus is almost close to walking on a runway. Everyday, you wear attention-grabbing clothes. As you walk around, you’ll notice some prying eyes looking at you. It’s not a bad thing though, you’re outfit is just catchy. You’d have to admit, looking good is always a part of your routine.

            Luckily for some, wearing nice outfits is not a big effort because they’re naturally fashionable. You can tell – they always think out of the box. When asked how she plans her outfits daily, Alesi Salvador (regarded by her blockmates as fashionable) from First Year, BS ComTech responded, “I mix and match my clothes and I wear clothes that make me look good. Also, it should at least be one month before I wear a certain outfit again.”

Some add lots of layers to their clothes. Yeah, how can they survive the heat, right? Meanwhile, others wear simple ones but they still look exquisite.
            After some time, you start to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. Maybe the constant effort of planning your outfits daily becomes taxing. Or maybe you gain the feeling of discontent and end up in frustration. However, for some reason, you still end up doing it anyway. Amidst all of these “burdens”, you still keep doing it because everyone else is.

            This fashion trend can’t be helped at all. Since everyone’s doing it, you find yourself going with the flow. For instance, there’s a day when you really feel like dressing super chill (like shirt, shorts and sneakers type of chill) but because it might seem weird, you don’t. A trend is a practice that’s accepted by a large group of people, which in this case is being fashionable. Because of this, there is a tendency for you to join the bandwagon. You can’t help feeling this throughout your freshman year. Well, no one can blame you since it’s always like that.

First Year to Second Year

            This is the “experimental” stage. There is a slow drifting away from the bandwagon. Of course, the fashion trend is still pretty much evident. No one can take that away. Even you are still caught up with this movement. However, you’re starting to search for your personal style. You’re beginning to realize that being “in” actually pulls you away from expressing your true self.

            Comfortable clothes are your ideal outfits. What is meant by comfortable?  Not much pressure is placed on you. You wear outfits that make you look good and feel good at the same time. You begin experimenting by maximizing your wardrobe and also adding combinations. At this point, you’re in-between following the fashion trend and mixing your own style. Andrea Dee from First Year, BS ComTech was asked the question: “What do you take into consideration when dressing up in the morning?” Her reply was “Usually what I do is, I choose something ‘comfy’. I also avoid mismatch of clothes to make it look suitable for me.”

Also, the idea of aptness for the situation is prioritized over looking fashionable alone. In a campus like the Ateneo, walking around to transfer from different buildings is a daily yet exhausting routine. Due to this, wearing shorts or skirts is a big help to avoid those unwanted sweat all over your body. Another student, Gela sol Cruz, from First Year BS ComTech, was interviewed about what she prioritizes most in planning her outfits. She answered, “It all depends on the weather. When it’s raining, I wear clothes that won’t keep me freezing and will protect me from getting wet. But I always make it to a point to look good.

Basically, this stage is centered on balancing fashionable clothes and personal style. You follow ‘trends’ but you go for what you’re comfortable with. You don’t go all out on being stylish but you still know how to look pleasant.

Third Year to Fourth Year

            You have finally found your personal style. You’ve detached yourself from the chains that compelled you to keep up with the “in” crowd. Your get-up is completely you and you work it to the max.

            Michelle Guerrero from Third Year, BS Psych was asked the question: “How do you plan your outfits for the day?” She replied, “I give my clothes a span of 2 weeks before I wear them again.” Her answer to the follow up question, “What do you think about the fashion trend in the Ateneo?” is “I used to follow it. But eventually you’ll get tired of it and you just want to wear something that defines you.”

     You still see ‘trends’ but you keep going with what you want. Being part of the bandwagon is nothing to you anymore. Dressing to impress is a “been there, done that” stage for you. Now, you just stick to what makes you ‘You’ and that is what’s most important.

            All in all, the fashion trend in the Ateneo is ever-changing. You’ll soon learn that as you go on, this ‘trend’ will shift from being “in” to expressing your true self. It’s not just all about looking stylish and chic but it’s also about sticking to who you really are. After all, you dress up everday not to please others but to make you feel good about yourself.